Year: 2020
Daily Update: April 8, 2020
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz extended the state’s “Stay at Home” order through May 4. Communication will be sent tomorrow about any impacts this may have on the College’s ongoing operations.
Daily Update: April 7, 2020
Online course delivery continues. Limited on-campus operations continue to support remaining on-campus students.
Daily Update: April 6, 2020
Today marks the beginning of the second week of online courses. Limited on-campus operations continue.
Daily Update: April 4-5, 2020
The second week of online courses begins tomorrow. Limited on-campus operations continue.
Gustavus COVID-19 Check-In | Parent Message
Gustie Parents, Thank you for supporting your students through the transition to online teaching and learning. I have heard from our professors that, in general, this week has gone smoothly for our students, and I hope that is true for you and your family. If your student is having any trouble adjusting to our “new…
Daily Update: April 3, 2020
By most accounts, the first week of online learning went smoothly. President Bergman sent a message to parents and students (linked below under “Updates from Gustavus”).
Daily Update: April 2, 2020
Online course delivery continues. Students received further communication about the option to receive either Pass/Fail or letter grades on current courses.
Daily Update: April 1, 2020
Online course delivery continues. Plans are being developed for an update to the Gustavus COVID-19 website.
Daily Update: March 31, 2020
Online course delivery continues. Employees continue to work from home with limited exceptions.
Daily Update: March 30, 2020
First day of online course delivery. Gustavus Health Service launched a new telehealth platform for students (learn more: